Experiential Learning

Fill your toolbox with ideas and techniques

This program will ensure that you are able to connect with the youth you work with in a meaningful and supportive way. You'll build trust and relationships and develop strong practices to ensure that group activities are designed and facilitated in a way to encourage personal growth and development.

In a fun-filled, hands-on set of sessions, you'll get a chance to lead a group, design and play games that work, as well as develop strong communication and facilitation techniques that you can use in any group situation. They are particularly effective with youth. 

We know that youth are masters at detecting authenticity and test the adults around them frequently! You'll leave the session with greater confidence and a bigger toolkit to ensure that you can connect with youth of all ages and experiences.

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • The Circle

    • Methods and Tools for Deeper Connection with Youth

    • Program - Logistics

  2. 2
    • Get Ready (Session 1)

    • Your Task (Session 1)

    • Additional Resources

    • Handouts for Session 1

  3. 3
    • Get Ready (Session 2)

    • Your Task (Session 2)

    • Handouts for Session 2

  4. 4
    • Get Ready (Session 3)

    • Your Task (Session 3)

    • Handouts for Session 3

    • Additional Resources

  5. 5
    • Get Ready (Session 4)

    • Your Task (Session 4)

    • Resources

    • Handouts for Session 4

  6. 6
    • Get Ready (Session 5)

    • How was our program?

    • Your Task (Session 5)

    • Handouts for Session 5

  7. 7
    • Resources

    • Thank you

Training Schedule

5 Live Virtual Sessions to Practice

After your purchase we'll contact you with the scheduling options for the live virutal sessions.

What people say about our program

Playful and Highly Experiential

Alisoun Payne (Outdoor Educator/Kayak Guide)

As an industry professional in the field of Outdoor Education, I work with youth in the context of multi-day wilderness trips. The training offered by the Circle provided me with foundational tools for establishing and maintaining trust and safety within group activities with youth, as well as proposing some innovations in the underlying philosophies of relating and holding space as a leader. The course itself was playful and highly experiential, with interactive access to other professionals' experience and perspectives on working with youth in different contexts. The support material was clear, and the online portal highly user friendly, making the experience overall an enriching and enjoyable experience.

A hidden gem

Carmen Hildebrand (Restorative Justice Practitioner - Vancouver Island)

I recently participated in your facilitation training to gain a better understanding of your circle processes to engage youth. I work primarily in Restorative Justice and am exploring program development for youth to address all 3 tiers of services (pre-conflict, resolving conflict and repairing harm, as well as providing opportunities to address root causes where possible). This course provided me with a firm foundation to create safe spaces for youth to explore critical topics and build resilience. The format of information sharing, spontaneity and critical discussion allowed me to take away the learning I specifically needed for my ongoing professional and personal development. You are a true hidden gem in this region. I'm thrilled I found you and look forward to more learning and collaboration as this work applies to my restorative principles and practices.

How to Hold Space

Tatiana (Restorative Justice)

The program provided insight and tools to engage with youth and facilitate meaningful conversations with skill, agility and openness. I have a deeper awareness of how to Be in and hold space with youth and feel more confident about my skill set and how to move forward in being in circle with youth as well as in the education support work I do.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I have to attend all the sessions?

    Yes, our course is highly experiential and you will get the benefit if you are participating. This is not a sit and passively consume content kind of course!

  • How are the sessions delivered?

    Our live sessions are accessed through the course page, but are integrated with Zoom.

  • How long do I get access to the course for?

    You'll have access to the course materials for 1 year after completion.